By calli - 25/12/2009 21:21 - United Kingdom

Today, I was working at the Soup Kitchen handing out special christmas dinners to the homeless. At the end of the day I collected my things and went home. It was only then I discovered that my wallet, phone, pager and (for some reason) my glasses has been stolen. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 465
You deserved it 4 611

Same thing different taste

Top comments

muffinsareyummy 1

this is exactly why i hate people. i don't care if you're homeless or not, i hate everyone. you take time out of your day to do something nice for someone and they spit right in your face. what is this fuckery?

negative_creep 0


This is why you don't help ungrateful bums.

realggirl 0

I'm so sorry. :'( Wow, that's so horrible... I can't believe it. If I were homeless I would never steal from someone, especially if they were being nice enough to give up their Christmas to provide me with dinner. I would be so grateful to them.

realggirl 0

Whoever it is, having acne or being overweight play no part in it. For all you know the OP could have acne and be overweight while this commenter might be gorgeous and thin... the OP would still be the better person.

This is why you shouldn't be nice to people, all your good deeds come back to rape you in the ass.

rancidgrl13 0

I know they're old technology, but some people still use pagers for work. Firefighters often use them when they're "off-duty" to be notified of fires. I suppose they're cheaper than cellphones.

you should be happy giving to the poor. proud of you

They probably need it more than you do. But maybe to support a drug habit.

dfg421 0

lesson learned. don't bother helping the American poor. they are just a bunch of lazy vermin and Leaches that choose to do nothing to submit to society and have resultantly ended up in their current predicament

some people still have pagers for emergencies, phones dont do the same thing exactly, they recieve all kinds of calls that could be unimportant, a person who is in a position where they need to know about emergencies cant check their phone every single time it rings to see whether or not its an emergencie, but when a pager goes off you know its important, thats probably why the op has both a pager and a cellpphone