By Anonymous - 21/07/2013 04:15 - United States

Today, I was working the drive-through at McDonald's. I greeted a customer with a, "Hi, how are you doing today?" His response: "Better than you." FML
I agree, your life sucks 52 296
You deserved it 8 405

Same thing different taste

Top comments

He's probably right, but if he's your worst customer today, you're doing well!


If you're not looking for an honest answer ( no matter if it's wrong or right ), don't ask the question....

Maybe he's just bad at socializing and instead of saying that OP's day is crap, the customer was just saying that he was having the best day ever :O

This seems so much like the old man who tells me this every time he comes through drive-through as well. I feel you!! I also work at McDonald's too.

Lmao, I work there too so let me tell you, he's probably right!

Some customers can be complete assholes they take advantage because they know you can't to anything if you want to keep your job.

BigDaddy910 4

Yeah, right. If he is so great, why is he eating at McDonald's?

Just say: apparently not health wise.

RUDE. What a class A douche. I'm sorry that happened OP, but as so many others have said, he's certainly not doing better with an attitude like that.