By Anonymous - 25/03/2013 21:53 - Netherlands - Drachten

Today, I was yelled at by a customer because I wouldn't give her a new iPhone 5 for free to replace her broken Nokia, which she threw out the window in "blind rage". I felt awful having to thank her for calling. Sadly, this is a daily event. FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 769
You deserved it 2 692

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I'm confused... Why would she need a new phone? Her Nokia should be fine...


next time she calls, all her "can you hear me now?" then hang up. Lol

jodakast 3

haha, I feel like that sometimes with our AT&T customers X-)

poodle_juice 17

I'm trying to wrap my head around her Nokia being broken, how is that possible?

Nokia phones don't break though. Those phones are bricks.

Come on, you didn't secretly enjoy telling her "NO" in an overkill, over the top, condescending, smart ass toned way? Maybe it's just me. I love my "kill them with kindness" mode when dealing with crazy people. :P

Some people just over react too much...if that was a daily occurrence, I'd get a different job!

If Nokias are all that great, why don't any of us still own them? I couldn't wait for my Nokia to break, which it did! (: *no comment from the peanut gallery about my blind rage*

mokielove 10

you have to buy like 3 Nokias to match the price of one of those overpriced glass and tin foil rectangles