By wags34 - 22/08/2011 14:57 - United States

Today, I watched my neighbor bring his dogs into my yard to let them empty their piss-pipes and poop-chutes. He does this twice a day. I put a "cut it out" sign up. His dogs peed on the sign and knocked it down. My lawn is a landmine of dog logs and I don't know what to do, besides installing actual landmines. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 667
You deserved it 5 782

wags34 tells us more.

wags34 2

Well, I've done everything from asking nicely to letting my dog go in his yard. We live outside the city and you really can't sue for something like this. It's just gonna be one of those neighborhood wars I guess. It's just whenever something so stupid like this goes on you can't help but think FML.

Top comments

get a shovel and a bucket. scoop them up and put them in your neighbor's yard where they belong!

1. Go over to his house. 2. Make sure he sees you. 3. Pull down pants. 4. Shit.


Dogs have a very keen sense of smell... spray your lawn with something nasty. throw together a Jerry Baker mix of your urine (if you are a meat eater), cayenne pepper, garlic, tobacco juice (get little packets of chew and soak them), throw in some moth balls to soak for a bit and anything else stinky and rancid. Your neighbor is inconsiderate and rude to allow this and I hope you report him.

In my experiences, dogs seem to appreciate awful smells, not really sure this would keep them away. However they might decide to roll in it which could prove unpleasant to their owner :D

Codi_A 1

Put up a fence so the neighbor can't get in.

The__Redneck 7

There are very few animal problems that can't be solved with a paintball gun, a syringe, and some Nair. Use the syringe to suck out the paint, and refill the paintballs with Nair.

dude, grow a sack and say something! don't just sit there and watch it happen (literally or metaphorically). c'mon man, if you don't speak up, they'll think its ok. people need to be treated like little kids sometimes... or like pets, and you should just shove their noses in it.

cornfri 0

call the police. they can give ur neighbor a fine.

the7thchild 6

Collect the poop in a bag, dump it in front of their doors, and leave thankyou notes.