By padthaimeanoose - 19/07/2015 03:29 - Canada - Surrey

Today, I went on my first date in 6 months, to a Thai restaurant. We both got food poisoning and spent the entire evening alternately running to the bathroom while pretending that we were fine. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 950
You deserved it 2 460

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Well at least now you guys have a good memory of eachother, you won't forget eachother. Lol

Aww, what bad luck. Hopefully you get a second chance!


mds9986 24

Didn't this happen on Malcolm in the middle?

Hunkapoo 19

yes, I thought of that episode too at first.

Doesn't food poisoning take at least 12 hours to take affect?

Hunkapoo 19

not necessarily, depending on how bacteria laden the food is, you can get sick right away. especially if it was seafood.

I used to think that too, until I once went to a new restaurant with my family and it was fantastic. Until I got sick on my way home. It didn't take long for me to get ill from the food.

*plop* *ploop* *plip* was what he probably heard from outside of the bathroom...

olpally 32

Why would he be listening??? Disgusting... :/ D:

Hunkapoo 19

this is why you run the tap in situations where either the walls are thin or someones waiting at the door.

...through sickness and health... Got that set already....

At least you two have something to laugh about when you feel better. Hope you two connected, OP. Good luck! :)

ABC series Manhattan Love Story has the same story