By gotnogame - 31/01/2011 03:13 - United States

Today, I went out with a girl I like. After a movie, we went to McDonald's. There was this couple making out. The girl I was with remarked about how lame it would be to go to McDonald's on a date. I thought we were on a date. FML
I agree, your life sucks 25 060
You deserved it 37 927

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Don't be so bloody cheap. Take her to Olive Garden or something.

FMLephant 2

Real dates don't have drive-thru windows. Take her some place nice next time OP.


fiveonefiveoh 0

u were on a date.. til u took her to mcdonalds ;p

fiveonefiveoh 0

soda, **** u u freedom hating, social controlling asshole. o my poor eyes, I have to see affection, let's ban people from that!!

princessjasmine2_fml 0

aww, I'm sorry! Maybe you misunderstood her.

let me double check that order, thats one McLoser with a side of McNevergettinlaids?

kingtz 6

Op, YDI for: 1) taking a girl to McDonalds on a date 2) not making it obvious you were on a date in the first place.

Harsh. That so sad, darling. Cheer up though, not all girls are shallow and high maintenance!~ Why, I know a lovely couple who find that the idea of a date is going on a nice long walk, grabbing a burger or pizza at the mall, chilling out, talking for a while, and walking back home together. Simple, adorable, and they've got such good chemistry!~ That sort of relationship can't be THAT rare...can it?

guestxxx 0

I know it can seem like something rare to find. I believe that has something to do with the amount of superficial people in this world. Personally, I'm happy if my boyfriend and I just do something romantic together. Location does play a part of it, kinda difficult to have a romantic moment in a daycare. Though, if it isn't somewhere similar to a daycare then it doesn't really matter to me. We could be in a McDonald's or a 5 star restraunt for a date and I would be happy with either one. As far as the people talking about the ball pits and play area, most of the McDonald's I've seen are doing away with these. It's too much of a liability for them.

Anaxes 5

Freedom hating. I had a chuckle at that.

There's a difference between affection and soft core ****. One is fine and the other is not. I can't think of any reason I'd want to look up from a meal and see that the people at the next table are pretty much dry humping each other, especially when I'm with my nephew.