By gotnogame - 31/01/2011 03:13 - United States

Today, I went out with a girl I like. After a movie, we went to McDonald's. There was this couple making out. The girl I was with remarked about how lame it would be to go to McDonald's on a date. I thought we were on a date. FML
I agree, your life sucks 25 060
You deserved it 37 927

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Don't be so bloody cheap. Take her to Olive Garden or something.

FMLephant 2

Real dates don't have drive-thru windows. Take her some place nice next time OP.


dude u don't take a girl to mcdonalds on a date.... u just don't.

she probably thought you were too until you took her to mcdonalds... a first date is where you're supposed to woo her, then after you've been dating a while it's okay to go grab fast food, but never on the first date, unless you've both listed it as a date before hand and then agreed that fast food sounded best.

Hey OP, why not have your next birthday party there as well? You could play in the ball pit. If you say no, I'm too old for that, then realise McDonalds is not a place to take a date.

ulicksam 0
soldier4life_88 0

ha ha 68 I feel the same way about that hippy looking asshole!!

technically the movie was a date just saying

Rei_Ayanami 18

Well, I may be in the minority here, but I agree completely with Soda. When I go out and pay good money to enjoy a meal I generally didn't come to see people all over each other. I don't mind holding hands, playing footsies, or even a kiss, but to be making out in public, hands ravenously exploring your partners body? That is were I draw the line, if it were up to me I'd have that classified as indecent exposure.

MissChristine 2

There is nothing wrong with McDonalds well only that its not so healthy but I grew up on it and it's still delicious today. (:

next time, aim a little bit higher...McDonalds is definitely not a date restaurant