By Anonymous - 20/05/2012 19:43 - United States - Raleigh

Today, I went to a job interview at a small family-owned business. After the interview, the owner's son took me into his office and told me I'm not getting the job and to get out, because apparently, the old man thinks I'm "possessed by a demon". FML
I agree, your life sucks 24 911
You deserved it 2 147

Same thing different taste

Top comments

perdix 29

You should sue! Demonic Possession is clearly covered by the Americans with Disabilites Act. He has to hire you and keep your office at 900 degrees to accommodate your demon.

Maybe you should find an exorcist...


SpaceManJuice 7

If I had a nickel for every time that's happened to me..

What's so bad about being possesed by a demon? Do you not like demons perhaps? If thats the case, then I feel insulted

OP, feel more sorry for the person they hired.

subversivefreak 2

You should ask for a rejection letter which sets this out in writing and then post all over the internets :)

brevolorio 5

Damit i ran out of holy water now where my sharp stick.

ragingstorm12 4

You should have said, "Yeah...a demon of awesomeness!" :D

kaitybirkz 0

Are you a ginger? Cuz that would explain it!

Oh, wow. You are so funny. I wish there were more funny, original people like you.

Don't worry, that demon thing also happened to me...