By allennn - 14/03/2010 14:56 - France

Today, I went to a party, and the girl I really like started telling me how much she likes me and how she thought we would be good together. I was so drunk I threw up on her. FML
I agree, your life sucks 12 928
You deserved it 38 554

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Monikabug 9

It wasn't the smoothest response, but I am sure she understands. It was a party, it happens. Why don't you give her a call and apologize? That would be a start. Your life isn't over, you just need to take control of the situation.


Way to know ur limits man. Good job :P

sergio50150 0

that's tight show the love lol

I didn't eat that ****** sandwich! or that toilet thing either!

sounds like she just got a taste of what the two of you would be like together...and it's not good.

i feel srry for the girl but u shouldve controlled yourself. did she scream? punch u mayb? i mean throw up is just nasty! you couldnt even turn your head? wow!?!

i wouldnt want throw up on me by a guy i like! would you?

spicayyy 0

well I wouldn't want a girl who fantasizes about a movie star she'll never get with to like me anyways.