By Travolta - 14/08/2011 04:50 - United Kingdom

Today, I went to a party. I tried dancing in public for the first time ever. Judging by the whispers, stares, and giggles, I'm never doing it again. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 684
You deserved it 5 198

Same thing different taste

Top comments

cc_the_beast 6

Eh, **** em, there's no rules to dancing. Go get em!


Join the club! I tried a dance class once and made a complete fool of myself. But don't worry what people think. Have fun!

Nini101 2

If you feel like you can't dance, take classes or have someone who knows how to dance show you.

As long as they are throwing money, what does it matter who is giggling?

What if they were whispering sweet compliments about your dancing? Don't judge others :o

p2theORTER 0

dance away! if they don't like it they don't have to watch! dancing is a great way to let go and just have fun! they're just mad because they cant get up the courage to dance themselves :)

It's not hard to learn to dance. Watch like some movies where people are dancing to the kind of music that they play at the parties you attend, and try out the moves alone, then when you feel more confident, try them out at a party. I wonder really if they were making fun of you, maybe they were conversing amongst themselves about something else, and you are unnecessarily self-conscious. That doesn't mean that you're not a crappy dancer; but it also doesn't mean that you can't become a badass dancer.

Self conscious about that too. You've got guts! Don't let them bring you down!

Smoldering 15

It's ok Op I can't dance either

Not many people can dance, but at least you had the confidence to show them your moves! The important thing is that you had a good time doing it.

Tawnkat 13