By doggone - 14/07/2009 08:55 - United States

Today, I went to a pet store to adopt a dog. I got a medium sized lab, a dog crate, and a few toys, then put his crate in the back of my truck and the dog in his crate. On the way home I realized I forgot dog bowls and some dog food. I went back, and when I got back out to my truck, my dog was gone. My stereo too. FML
I agree, your life sucks 55 109
You deserved it 8 695

Same thing different taste

Top comments

evanwilliams 4

Your dog probably stole that shit and ran, those labs are pretty sketchy.


that sucks. You don't deserve this at all. Also all the people saying YDI for where you got your dog are lame. Its not the dog's fault they are not a shelter dog. Don't ALL dogs deserve a good home no matter where they come from? At least you did not leave him alone at home.. Hope you find your dog.

Aww, that's so sad. I hope the dog's ok.

ohhhh_Ashley 0

wow everyone need to realize that the dog was in a crate, and in the back of the truck. which could mean the bed of it. also, who said the truck wasn't locked? it's not like burglars go around looking for cars/houses that aren't locked. "oh the door is locked lets find a different car."

BamMargera23 0

dude i'm sorry if you're serious

awww i hope this one is made up. i almost cried when i saw this...=[

funbagsmcgee08 0

That's terrible...but dude. I live in Texas too, and lately it's been 103 all across the state for most of the day. I already don't agree with people leaving their dogs in the bed of the truck or in the cab without others there...but in this heat? Tisk Tisk. Sorry about your dog and stereo though

who needs to steal a dog in front of a shelter where u can by one

I lol at the ppl who say he deserved it for buying from a petstore. He bought a Dog from a "Petstore" and petstores dont sell Dogs or Cats. Animal adoption clinics sell them, with the Petstore being a host. So if you say YDI for buying from a petstore you're really saying "You deserved losing your car stereo and your new dog for buying it from an adoption agency." I also lol at the people who say YDI for leaving ur dog in the car and being really irresponsible. Really? use some common sense... How long does it take to go in a store and buy a food bowl? lyk, 10 minutes or less??

aquarius6 0

least he could have done was go inside and get his own adopted pet!!