By Jdub - 28/05/2009 00:51 - United States

Today, I went to a real Japanese restaurant with my sister and mom, where you had to take off your shoes and sit on the floor. After the meal, I realized my shoes were no longer where I put them. For the seven years the restaurant has been open, I'm the first person to get their shoes stolen. FML
I agree, your life sucks 54 308
You deserved it 3 613

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You must've had some pretty cool shoes!


myfairyoshi_fml 0

your shoes must have been awesome

Agreed with #94. You must have had some pretty kick ass shoes.

xJakex 0

Maybe your shoes were so gay, that someone had to burn them for you O_o lol jk

LaTuaCantante 0

that sucks....and whoa.i know someone that my friends call j dub ^_^ lol and you musta had some pretty coolio shoes mang!

Yuuki_chan_fml 0

I guess you have some awesome shoes?

obviously your shoes were pretty awesome. Be proud!

Oh, those Japanese people and their silly customs... LOL, jk XD I love the Japs (: