By Anonymous - 31/12/2012 20:04 - United States

Today, I went to bed with a bra on. I woke up with no bra on. My brother had a friend sleep over last night. I wonder where my bra went. FML
I agree, your life sucks 41 807
You deserved it 4 201

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Who knows? I heard trolls these days stopped taking socks and started to take undergarments


Meesersuperman1 4

Well I don't know how you wouldn't wake up from that. Are you sure you had a bra on?

It is not there, it is not here Where the hell is my brazier Not on the stairs, not in the chair I cannot find it anywhere You foolish girl, while you were sleeping Thing 1 and thing 2 came in a creeping They unjigged the jigglies, took pics of the piggies Starred without blinking, then escaped with the giglies

He probably watched you sleep O..O But taking off ur bra Is a whole bother level of creepy.. I bet he has some shrine dedicated to you make sure you aren't missing hair :o maybe he nicked that too

Sounds like your bro and his mate had a dare going on to see if they could steal them without washing you up. Tom Cruise, you can go suck it.

if she took it off by herself, youd think shed be able to find it. i assuming her bro and his friend were in a diff room and its kind of hard to throw something into a whole different room, all while sleeping...

Haha when I read this I checked whether I still had my bra on straight away!

Lct1196 31
The_F3rris 11

I cant believe you slept through someone taking off your bra.

That's sexual assault. Your brother's friend is a dick. Tell your parents and his, and get his ass in so much trouble he won't even be able to go to the bathroom without permission. If you do nothing, he's going to think it's completely within his rights to take a girl's clothes off just because he happens to feel like it.

the_poolboy 10

Hide yo bras, hide yo panties, hide yo socks, cause the undie ninjas be stealin erythang up in here....