By Anonymous - 31/12/2012 20:04 - United States

Today, I went to bed with a bra on. I woke up with no bra on. My brother had a friend sleep over last night. I wonder where my bra went. FML
I agree, your life sucks 41 807
You deserved it 4 201

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Who knows? I heard trolls these days stopped taking socks and started to take undergarments


1. Why were you sleeping with a bra on in the first place? 2. How did you not wake up during that? FYL though, no one deserves to be molested in their sleep.

Could have been worse. It could have happened when you lived alone, that would be creepier.

LokitaAzulita 4

How do yu not wake up while someone takes yur bra off? I know that would have gotten somebody punched

I want to know if the panties disappeared too? could op sleepwalk?

stargazer95 4

at lised your brother didnt take it.

skyenoelle 15

It would have been funnier if you had caught him in the act.

that's creepy on so many levels , hope that doesn't happen again .