By Anonymous - 31/12/2012 20:04 - United States

Today, I went to bed with a bra on. I woke up with no bra on. My brother had a friend sleep over last night. I wonder where my bra went. FML
I agree, your life sucks 41 807
You deserved it 4 201

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Who knows? I heard trolls these days stopped taking socks and started to take undergarments


bugmenotmofo 34

Obviously you should tell about it your brother. If he's any good, he'll have a long talk with his friend. Also, install lock into your room's door.

Why does this have any "You deserved it"s?

OP never says the bra dissappeared from the room. Just that it was removed from the body. Could have been any of the usual suspects, including OP that removed it.

Why do you automatically assume your brother's friend removed it? That's a bold accusation. Perhaps you took off your own bra...

Sounds like the last time you're ever going to be wearing a bra to sleep at night!

PhishloverA 14

Hmm I don't know. We may never know. Not that you deserve this, but you should've locked your door

how the hell dont you feel someone messing with you while you sleep, next time go with the restraint jacket haha