By lonelyguy321 - 27/07/2010 14:43 - United Kingdom

Today, I went to bed with three hot, half-naked girls beneath me. I was in the bunk above. Alone. FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 270
You deserved it 16 594

Same thing different taste


Damn That's Not An FML That's A FILTS (**** I Love This Shit) Lol

tb15 0

Wait, I don't get it. That would make it a four layer bunk bed wouldn't it. Unless one girl slept on the bottom bunk and the two others slept in normal beds.

or they all slept on one bed, me and my grips do it all the time....

95 would be correct. I can recall being one of 7-8 girls on a queen size bed so this certainly isn't unreasonable. Girls in general don't have the same "eww don't touch me" that guys do.

dont_be_that_guy_fml 0
thizzl3ear 0

dude that's on u for not having the ball I bet they wouldve been down if u weren't such a pussy

yatoast 0

your life sucks. Ida nailed em all

Mars_Bars_Big_Na 0

YDI for having absolutely no game and thnx 8 agreed

watch they have an iphone and they read this. all turn up and say hey wtf jeff