By lonelyguy321 - 27/07/2010 14:43 - United Kingdom

Today, I went to bed with three hot, half-naked girls beneath me. I was in the bunk above. Alone. FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 270
You deserved it 16 594

Same thing different taste


twinny_sc 13 shoulda got you some son, I am extremely disappointed in you

$20 says they're his cousins or sisters and the OP is just searching for a good FML.

trox_fml 4

yeah, but would he call his cousins or sisters hot?

tiffyxmac 0

maybe you were just scared lol its okay

RedPillSucks 31

Maybe he was going to make a move but got excited too quickly and came before he went. Now he has to lay there, dribbling out his failure. Or maybe one of the girls was his sister or his mom.