By Anonymous - 15/10/2010 23:01 - Canada

Today, I went to class with my bag packed for a weekend trip when it began to vibrate violently. Stopping mid-lecture, the professor approached me and asked politely if I could turn off my cell phone as I was disturbing the other 150 pupils in the class. It was my personal vibrator. FML
I agree, your life sucks 12 506
You deserved it 47 174

Same thing different taste

Top comments


joyc3 10

Sorry, I kept laughing at the "personal vibrator" part! Is there such a thing as a public vibrator?

Personal, as opposed to a communal vibrator? Perhaps used for delightful party games like "Pass The Sex Toy" or "Pin the Plug on the Ass?"

You must be some kinda horny! Why did you need it for just a weekend trip? Lol, take a break!!

Why would you even take it to school?

ScreamingFits 0

Why do you put "personal vibrator"? Do you have another one that you share, a community one, perhaps?

ReneeElizabeth 5

How did she deserve this ? If she wants to get pleasured then she should. It's not her fault that it turned it. It's not like she did it on purpose!

Uh, maybe because she's going on a trip for two days with her CLASS and still brought it?

You can't go a weekend without a vibrator?

What do you mean 'personal' vibrator? Is there such thing as a 'public' vibrator?