By Anonymous - 17/01/2011 02:43 - United States

Today, I went to get a tattoo. I decided on getting my four month daughter's name tattooed on my upper arm. I went home to show my wife. She broke down and told me that I'm most likely not the father. It's a toss-up between her co-worker, the guy who does our lawn, several strangers and me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 62 425
You deserved it 4 971

Same thing different taste

Top comments

wow! normally I would say ydi for getting a name tattoo but kids are different!! well someone else may be the father but if you raise her properly you can be her dad


tibbz87 5

Divorced right away. Even if the baby is yours, divorced her anyway..

GraceyGirl523 9

Oh my gosh! I am SO sorry!! What a ****!

funny_girly1 0

Fyl! Leave her before she hurts you anymore!

yermomsanus08 0

Wow ******* *****. Divorce that ******* slutty bitch who doesnt deserve you.

There are certain things that make it okay to hit a woman, and this is one of them. I doubt she would go anywhere with it since adultery is a crime as well.

MAAAN, I feel bad for you and your daughter. I don't feel one bit of that same sympathy for your wife, though.

You are NOT the father. Too soon? Sorry. FYL..