By bobby - 12/06/2010 22:13 - United States

Today, I went to lick the excess peanut butter off the knife after making a PB and J. Turns out the knife can and will cut your tongue, even though you don't think it will. FML
I agree, your life sucks 11 766
You deserved it 62 535

Same thing different taste

Top comments

you didn't think a knife made to cut things could cut u?

duh. thats pretty obvious it a KNIFE...


lovesamystery 0

88- is the most perverted website ever... nice name tho ;) OP: wtf!! I alway use my finger to get it of the nifedipine and then eat it...

PeaceLoveAmelia6 0

Get it of of the what? I can't read that. Haha. Sorry.

PeaceLoveAmelia6 0

*off (stupid iPod keypad thingy.) would you use such a sharp knife for PB&J? Why not use a butter knife? And if that cuts you, you must have really weak skin. YDI for using a sharp knife instead of a butter knife.

lol. i lick my knife too. except i use a plastic one. :/

ok everyone seems to be saying to use a different knife like a butter knife but better yet just use a spoon. u cant cut urself with that.... unless it's like a broken plastic spoon u gotta be careful with those their tricky haha

YDI for wanting to make a peanut butter sandwich.

Licking a knife can cut your tongue? Holy shit. Who knew?

cooliodefined 0

Lol, OP you're stupid. Even if you don't think you are.

metalmaiden 0

No way! Knives cut things?! What's next? Microwaves make things hot!!? What a crazy world we live in. :D

anlhawks 5

it's a knife, whose main purpose is to CUT