By bobby - 12/06/2010 22:13 - United States

Today, I went to lick the excess peanut butter off the knife after making a PB and J. Turns out the knife can and will cut your tongue, even though you don't think it will. FML
I agree, your life sucks 11 766
You deserved it 62 535

Same thing different taste

Top comments

you didn't think a knife made to cut things could cut u?

duh. thats pretty obvious it a KNIFE...


ACTUAL QUOTE "Hmm, I may get cut, but the excess PB&J looks.. almost... too good to... AGH, ****!"

tyler_420 0

Damn that sucks. What kinda knife were you using?

Samantha_baby 0
Samantha_baby 0

damn.. where did my comment go?

not sure. like.. about 3 times a day. :]

Step away from the sharp objects, dumbass. YDI.

Samantha_baby 0

OOoo I've done the same thing before :(

bluewaffles69 0

yea OP couldve atleast licked the other side xD