By parental failure - 03/03/2013 17:03 - Canada - Langley

Today, I went to my daughter's room with clean laundry. I found her lying on her bed with a hand down her pants, totally zoned out and staring blankly at the Justin Bieber poster on her wall. FML
I agree, your life sucks 50 065
You deserved it 7 526

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I'm sorry you had to find out your daughter was a lesbian like that, without her telling you herself.

The first warning was when she got the Bieber poster in the first place.


aliciaanomalyyxo 12

Who cares? Just walk away and let her do her thing

Hardwarre 7

Les be honest, she has severe bieber fever

Just wondered about the chosen user name for the post "parental failure" granted the subject she chose to ********** over may be a poor choice but surely rasing a normal healthy kid who masturbates like all normal healthy people is far from a parental failure

Panda_Shy_Haven 17

Kill it. Kill it with fire. Especially if it's the real bieber

That is so hawt until you get to the Justin Bieber part.

How old is your daughter again? Because we need to know if she's too young to be experimenting with her sexuality

Actually, I think OP is the only one who really needs to know that.

spliit_fml 8

Well your daughter has some weird taste

Awkward. FYL, OP. But if she's in her teenage years, I think it's normal for people to start having fantasies at that age. As long as sex isn't happening, I think it's normal.

jem970 19

So it NOT normal to have sex when you are a teen? Statistics prove you otherwise.

Maybe a bad choice of wording in the last sentence. Should be "As long as sex isn't happening, I think it's okay". But even then, to say teenage sex is normal implies somewhat that it's okay; I'd say "common" would be better than saying it's normal.

GaGaGurl26 0

It's abnormal because it's Justin Bieber. That's like a guy jacking off to Gollum from LTR.