By i suck, this i know :( - 26/07/2013 22:11 - Malawi - Blantyre

Today, I went to my father for advice. I've been seeing a wonderful girl for the past month, and I feel terrible about it, because I already have a girlfriend. He said "Kill yourself" and that if I "can't even do that right" then to get out of his house, because he disowns me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 145
You deserved it 71 714

Same thing different taste

Top comments

CammyGal 26

You wouldn't have this problem if you hadn't cheated in the first. F your girlfriend's life for being led on by a cheating bastard.

mangoboy1 19

Forget him and choose one girl or the other don't try dating both because that will never work out.


LeaAnne94 17

You get no sympathy here. Your dad obviously realizes that you're a jerk.

I mean, you're an asshole. He was a little harsh though.

I see two FML's in the future after this prick is found out

Michael_92 20

If you are really care about either of them you will break it off with BOTH of them because they both deserve better than a cheating loser.

He just knows how a real man should act. I hope you're ashamed.

dzelinsk 1

Sounds like your dad is the one with the problem.

Or his son is just a cheating bastard.

OP, I do have sympathy for you. You can be in love with more than one person at once, people who disagree have never been there. It sucks and no one will help you through it. Check out some polyamory sites and support systems, then come clean to your girlfriend. Tell her you still love her and you're so sorry you lied, but this may be the right thing for you now. She may learn to be okay with it in time, heck, she may even want something similar herself. You'll never know until you start being honest with everyone about what's happening and your own feelings.

stclair01 12
DrownedMyFish 18

Did you actually expect sympathy, OP? You cheated on your girlfriend and tried to act like you were the victim. You can't have a girlfriend and still walk around and snu snu with whoever you want. YDI

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