By Amanda - 02/07/2011 05:33 - United States

Today, I went to the carnival with a guy I like. When we went on the big scary ride where you flip upside down a lot, he asked me to be his girlfriend. Then, I threw up on him. FML
I agree, your life sucks 43 621
You deserved it 4 746

Same thing different taste

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I know this sucks but just tell him spinny scary rides ate not your kinda thing. if he's worth it he'll understand and happy ever after from then on.

well at least now yu kno which rides to stay off of :p

Today, while at the carnival with the girl i like, I decided to ask her to be my girlfriend. She threw up on me. FML

aw so sorry. this is one of the saddest FMLs I've read in a while. at least you know he likes you too. and if he reconsiders than he is NOT your guy! good luckkkk :)

well I'm sure he enjoyed it... it means you can't say no now lol

biancajanine 4
Chrispayne 4

Your friend shoukd be the one posting this

BadSuerte 0

accidents happen? I'm sorry:(