By Amanda - 02/07/2011 05:33 - United States

Today, I went to the carnival with a guy I like. When we went on the big scary ride where you flip upside down a lot, he asked me to be his girlfriend. Then, I threw up on him. FML
I agree, your life sucks 43 621
You deserved it 4 746

Same thing different taste

Top comments



lisha88 1

that's not romantic :( I feel bad for u

LipReader31 1

Haha! Oh man, that sucks. On the plus side, his reaction can tell you a lot about how serious he is: if he freaked out, he probably ain't worth it. If he realized accidents happen and he still likes you anyway, good for you, it looks like you found a keeper.

ilove2lovemylove 10

well @ least he asked u out

I wish we knew how it went, especially since it could have gone all sorts of ways. Perhaps he didn't reconsider, perhaps he did, perhaps he mistook your throwing up as you being so repulsed that you got sick and is now in a corner somewhere, cutting himself and crying, just like I would be.

omg same thing happened to me luckily I didn't puke on him though

pockylove01 0

that's horrible! :( I'm sorry girlie that must be harsh.

learn to control your puke. you deserve it

Llamasr2legit 0

Haha so how did that work out?

If he really likes you, he'll let it go, if not, you deserve better than dude.