By Amanda - 02/07/2011 05:33 - United States

Today, I went to the carnival with a guy I like. When we went on the big scary ride where you flip upside down a lot, he asked me to be his girlfriend. Then, I threw up on him. FML
I agree, your life sucks 43 621
You deserved it 4 746

Same thing different taste

Top comments



nhcutie96 0

FHL. "Today I asked out a girl on a spinny ride at the carnival. she threw up on me"

That was a perfect opportunity to promote this site. "I know threw up on you, but there is this really great site where you can post this story"

emoobebe69 0

does his offer still stand? :p

rangerguy 0

hey atleast you can say he knows you inside out lol

7sevensevenseven 0

well op are you his girlfriend

and the award for WORST TIMING EVER goes to him.

meggieh815 0

You could've just said no! Ruuuddeee.

sonrisapreciosa 6

And I'm sure he changed his mind after you got sick on him because of the ride.. Not really, he wouldn't have if he actually liked you