By bradyman - 29/12/2009 15:09 - United States

Today, I went to the dentist after not being there for 3 years. I was told that I had loads of cavities and that I would need to pay $3,000 for a serious mouth surgery. The reason I hadn't been to the dentist in 3 years: I've been married to a dentist for 3 years that said my teeth were "perfect." FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 352
You deserved it 6 134

Same thing different taste

Top comments

thinmint 0

WTF ever. dentists lie and say you need all this surgery to get paid! I had 16 cavities once as a teen and did not have effing oral surgery. get a 2nd and 3rd opinion before you waste money and your insurance drop you.

You still need to go. They have the right tools to check on your teeth and gums.


I saw a dentist for two years who said I needed braces. When I moved I got a new dentist and he says I don't need braces at all, but he did pick up on three cavities the first one missed. There's always one lazy one that ruins it.


my mom is a dentist and she tells me it's called home dentistry and it is illegal

I would definately go for a second oppinion, especially considering your dentist found so many. Its easy to confuse a tooth with a dark center (especially molars) as a tooth with a cavity. It happened to my mum a while back.

That sucks! Get another opinion but that dentist is probably right. I use to work at a dental office and this happens a lot! You should be getting your teeth cleaned every 6 months... Keeping your mouth in good shape is key to staying in good health believe it or not. Dentist charge so much because the equipment is not cheap & insurance companies still don't cover much of the cost;( good luck

redhedsaysrawr 18

OP, im pretty sure the dentist was just looking for a perfect opportunity to make some good cash... you dont go into a dentist office saying "My dentist spouse said I have perfect teeth, so i havent been anywhere else in 3 years..." that just gives them a perfect opportunity to get some cash.

just because youre married to a dentist doesnt mean you don't actually need to get your teeth checked by someone in an office. your spouse isnt a reliable resource.

Maybe getting a second opinion wouldn't be a bad idea

bubblemania 16

This is why you never trust your significant other to do a check up on you. Sometimes they'll lie in order to make you feel better or because they can't take care of you for free