By Caroline - 24/02/2013 09:34 - Denmark - Copenhagen

Today, I went to the doctor to get a blood test and I started crying when I saw the needle. I planned on becoming a doctor. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 150
You deserved it 13 537

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Close your eyes every time you put a needle in someone's arm. What could possibly go wrong?


Havent you had shots before? Why are you just realizing now that you dont like needles?

It's so weird how often I hear this "I want to go into medicine but I can't stand blood/needles" story! When I was in dental school it was about half the class in the first year who were scared of these things, but by the second year most of them had got over their fears because of all the blood tests. I think you'll be fine OP!

A girl on my nursing course fainted every time she had an injection or blood test, pity she needed 4 injections and 2 test

GinaGT94 2

"Calm down Doctor, now is not the time for fear......that comes later."

tosch678 2

Well if its early enough in your life that you've never seen a needle before, you probably have plenty of time to change your career goal.

turtle_sandwich 4

I got accepted into med school though I used to get close to fainting at the sight of blood. 1) Start watching a lot of gorey movies. 2) Go along when friends or siblings give blood. 3) Finally attempt to donate blood and repeat each step until you are okay with each. 4) Shadow a lot of surgeons. You can be desensitized but if you really want to be a doctor you have to push through it. A LOT of doctors hate needles or fear blood, but they get over it.

CharresBarkrey 15

You'll also find that doctors rarely do their own blood draws. That's what nurses and techs are for.

WrongRomance 11

That could be a sign OP... Maybe being a doctor isn't for you? Or perhaps there is a job as a doctor that doesn't require needles tthat would be suited for you. Personally, I stopped crying over needles around 10-12 years old. In fact, I'd really like to donate blood, but I don't meet the requirements.

perdix 29

I hope Plan B wasn't becoming a heroin addict.

Needless to say, OP turned out to be a completely sober, yet reckless doctor... Looks like Doc is gonna have competition!

I feel for you OP, I still cry when I get blood taken out. I wanted to be a Vet, but obviously due to that and having to operate on animals I just couldn't. If you're really scared of needles then pick another career? I hope everything works out for you.