By anonymous - 24/06/2009 06:13 - United States

Today, I went to write "Happy Bday, I Love You" on my girlfriend's car windows to surprise her when she woke up. I was the one who got the surprise when I saw her, in her backseat, having sex. FML
I agree, your life sucks 80 915
You deserved it 3 733

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Come back and write it with a baseball bat. It's the thought that counts. ;)

easylazy 0

You shouldn't jump to conclusions maybe she was having sex with YOU in the backseat DID YOU EVER THINK OF THAT?! No. THat's what I thought.


anonymous2323 0

Wow, she was lucky to have a guy like you, but don't worry, she'll probably come to you begging to take her back, and by then you'll probably have found a much better girl.

what a bitch, hope you dumped that bitch right then& there. then shat on her face.

Crzy_EyesSunrise 0

I think your idea was really cute. As for your gf...well, let's just say she doesn't deserve you. (Please tell me you're not still with her!)

ziqi92 0

i hope u wrote "happy bday u ****, its over between us now, i hope ur happy" just an idea :D u deserve someone WAAAAAY better than her

Diligent17 4

Hey you can write a new message on her car. "Happy Birthday, you just saved me from catching a STD"!

that's soo cool because it's my birthday today also. she was good.

neokiller_fml 0

#99 hahaaa scotty dosent know that Fiona and me do it in my van every Sunday! She tells him he's in church but he dosent know tho she's on her knees and Scotty dosent know!!! That movie is ******* funny.

You should have written ***** on her window