By liveforpeace_ - 28/04/2009 06:27 - Canada

Today, I went up to a secluded mountain my boyfriend took me to for our first date. As I saw another couple hooking up in the bushes, I phoned my boyfriend to tell him someone found our secret spot. His Bob Marley ringtone started playing from the bush. FML
I agree, your life sucks 235 470
You deserved it 13 613

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Aouch.. poor you.. Well at least you know where you stand with this worm of a man.... And, btw, sorry to have to say that, but get yourself checked for STD, such a loser may have fooled around without protection...

don't worry about a thing because every little thing is gonna be alright


Why did you go up a secluded mountain on your first date? Unless it isn't as secluded as you let on, and it's really just a parking lot over a cliff or something.

You went along with some guy to a "secluded mountain" for your first date? That's pretty retarded.

SAM5000 0

You spontaneously felt like taking a trip to a "secluded" mountain spot by yourself and happened to be there at exactly the same time he was hooking up with another girl? Could you buy my lotto tickets for me?

JFry 0

I call BS too, its wayy to coincedental. Unless You are the kinda person who ventures up a secluded mountain alone. And your bf just happppppens to be there screwing some other chick. haha But still. If it wasnt BS It would succccccccck

# 33 - REALLY? You don't think that someone might hang out with their boyfriend, then their bf's phone rings, and lo behold! They know what the ringtone is. You have brain cells for a reason. Use them.

ouch. you should have gone right up to them while still ringing him and say "oh no wonder you didnt pick up. busy arent you?"

Part 2 of this FML is if you went to the bush to sneak up on them and it wasn't your boyfriend after all.

Why are people so confused about mountains of all things? Mountains have hiking trails on them. People go hiking all the time. It's probably not even a very large mountain if it's in the US. And #33 yous should probably make sure you have a basis for claim if you're going to play devil's advocate. Because you just pulled all of that out of your ass.