By feelthelove - 02/11/2009 18:08 - United States

Today, I woke up after a night of drinking to find a very gorgeous girl in my bed. Her only words to me were "did anything happen?" When I replied yes she began to cry. Nice to know I was someone's rock bottom. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 612
You deserved it 5 616

Same thing different taste

Top comments

she probably has a boyfriend and is crying that she accidently cheated on him or maybe she's a virgin and she didnt want to lost her viginaty to a complete stranger of maybe she didnt want to have sex with a complete stranger it has nothing to do with you.

LemonadePink 0

Dude, that's just the way most girls are. Guys think it's awesome to hook up with random hot girls. Girls...actually give a **** about sleeping with random guys, well girls that aren't ****** care anyway. She just ****** up, drank too much and had a random hook up. It has nothing to do with YOU, just herself. Get over yourself.


kokosweet 0

I doubt she was crying cuz ur rock bottom, she may have had a boyfriend, or been recovering from something... or was just mad at herself for doing something with a stranger