By Anonymous - 09/05/2009 03:03 - United States

Today, I woke up and went into the bathroom and noticed a dark mass in the toilet. Thinking someone took a dump and didn't flush, I approached the toilet ready to dispose of it. That's when I noticed its whiskers and ears. It was a rat, and it was alive. FML
I agree, your life sucks 61 927
You deserved it 3 571

Same thing different taste

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Today, I spent hours crawling through miles of pipe to finally reach the surface and escape the sewer. As I'm about to exit a toilet, a human comes in, thinks I'm a piece of poop, and flushes me back down the toilet. FML

Throw in some rat poison and flush depending on how big it was... if it was too big it might clog But it's a good thing you caught it before yo ass sat down on a nasty wet rat lol


rocket9 0

LOL why didnt u flush it :)

AshlenDoll 0

Win! Rats are nastyyyyyyy as ****. Flush it.

67, i thought the black plague was spread by flees?

Where the hell WERE you!? #8, wronggg.

nushadow 0

lol #52=fail, how have you not heard of the plague? the rats were the fleas host, thus "Carriers" of the plague.

7Rawr7 0

That's so gross! I freaked out when I found a dead mouse in my toilet...and that's even worse!

#66 it was the FLEA that carried the plague you fool. It just happened to like attaching itself to rats. Learn YOUR HISTORY. Rats kick ass. I have 6 of'em at home. I'd have taken that toilet rat if I was near by.

Number 10, you are not funny. Not at all.

LOL!! I think i might have shat on it B4 flushing it!!