By cheddar - 20/07/2011 22:17 - United States

Today, I woke up feeling great. I opened up the blinds and looked out from my window just in time to see a man ripping my mailbox from the ground and sprinting away with it. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 448
You deserved it 2 640

Same thing different taste

Top comments

topdawg255 0

thats y u install brick mailbox


What the hell? I just don't see the point of stealing a mailbox. Lawn gnomes and plastic flamingos, yes, but not a mailbox. You must have had one kick ass mailbox.

#34 the point is to have a kickass mail box

Must've been the mailman's evil twin again.

Pretty_dead 0

U must have had some really good mail for him 2 take the whole mail box

BiGD3317 0

You definitely deserve it for even having a mailbox in 2011 lol

I'm not sure if you know this, but a mailbox is the box-like container, with the little flag on the side of it, that is on a stick-like shaft that is right in front of your house or road.