By vanguardwiley - 24/07/2009 06:40 - United States

Today, I woke up from the worst nightmare I've ever had. After tearfully explaining to my boyfriend, in detail, how bad this dream was, he told me to "put on my big girl panties" and make him breakfast. FML
I agree, your life sucks 48 762
You deserved it 13 755

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Isn't it ironic how he tells YOU to grow up, yet he wants someone to go cook him breakfast like he's a little kid who needs his mommy to do things for him. If anyone needs to grow up, it's your immature, insensitive 5 year old boyfriend.

abandonship 3

tell him to make his own damn breakfast!


Sounds like a complete idiot. Dump him, k?

russianredgirl 0

dump him and tell him to put on a penis and make his own breakfast.

if looks meant nothing then I'm sure you'd have killed yourself already because of lonliness, but because they do, I would actually put up with that bullshit you say just to bend you over at night

jabs03 0

Ha, I kind of have to agree minus the breakfast part...

awesomelylame 0

I agree with #35. No matter what age, nightmares can still freak you out for any period of time. I know I'm not the best defense, seeing as I'm 15, but I've had two nightmares that I remember being incredibly vivid, so real. When I woke up from both, I was sobbing. When I told my mom about it, I was crying again. These two nightmares were at two separate points in my life, though in the same year. But both times, I was bothered about it for a few days. It's not like when you wake up you have a choice, "Okay, over it now! It shall bother me never again!" The nightmare can still get to you anytime, that's what nightmares do. It's not a matter of age or maturity, it just happens sometimes. Boyfriend sounds like an ass, by the way.

ozymandias_fml 0

Maybe when you grow up they will go away on their own. If not, seek help. Heck, seek help anyway -- that is not normal.

Oz, out of everyone here, you need professional help the most.

LMAO Sorry but this is just too funny for me to feel any empathy at all for you XD

you better have done it. women need to be put in their place.