By vanguardwiley - 24/07/2009 06:40 - United States

Today, I woke up from the worst nightmare I've ever had. After tearfully explaining to my boyfriend, in detail, how bad this dream was, he told me to "put on my big girl panties" and make him breakfast. FML
I agree, your life sucks 48 764
You deserved it 13 755

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Isn't it ironic how he tells YOU to grow up, yet he wants someone to go cook him breakfast like he's a little kid who needs his mommy to do things for him. If anyone needs to grow up, it's your immature, insensitive 5 year old boyfriend.

abandonship 3

tell him to make his own damn breakfast!


swodah 0

Dreams can sometimes be very vivid and scary. However, some people remember dreams very rarely. Maybe you should notify him that you were hurt by the fact he neglects your feelings, he simply could be one of us that do not realize what they are doing until it's too late...

rt523 0

you should have made him breakfast. orange juice mixed with some toliet water. blueberry and cockroach pancakes. scrambled eggs with a bit of dog food. get creative :)

hoodyNOT2shoes 0

That's how you kick his stupid ass NINJa STYLE!!!!!!!!!!=D

Isn't it ironic how he tells YOU to grow up, yet he wants someone to go cook him breakfast like he's a little kid who needs his mommy to do things for him. If anyone needs to grow up, it's your immature, insensitive 5 year old boyfriend.

If you love him, you would do that for him. Only a fugly femi-nazi would take exception.

I cook breakfast for the people I care about on request 1% of the time. 5% of the time when they don't ask. Not a feminazi, I just don't like cooking for others. Make your own damn food, and I'll make mine. >>

lmmmr 0

Farside, don't be ignorant. It has absolutely nothing to do with feminism. I am a feminist and I cook for my boyfriend regularly. The OP's boyfriend was an insensitive, insulting asshole. She is perfectly within her rights to refuse to do him favors. After that, I would question her self-esteem if she did not.

21- I can't tell if you're trolling or what.

MartyFuffkin 0

Again. I fail to see the problem.

ozymandias_fml 0

The breakfast comment was a bit unneeded, but the big girl comment seems to be. Presumably you are somewhat close to being a legal adult, since it sounds like you are spending the night with your boyfriend. Why are you still having nightmares, anyway?

You can have nightmares at any age, genius. It's not like, oh I'm 18 now, legally an adult, nightmares are going to stop NOW! Idiot.

tehukiso 0

Yeah except if a nightmare scares you to tears then you have some major issues and need to grow up or get therapy.

ozymandias_fml 0

If you are an 'adult' you are supposed to be mature. Not always true, but that is the assumption. Controlling irrational fears is part of that. Crying over a dream is not mature. Being afraid of imaginary things is not mature. It has nothing to do with age, other than the fact that with age you are supposed to obtain some maturity. If you have these kinds of psychological issues, get them addressed.

Controlling irrational fears is not a part of growing up. Period. Some people never do get over their irrational fears despite being quite mature, and you know what, sometimes, they aren't irrational. She said it was the worst nightmare she ever had. Nightmares are all about playing on your fears while at the same time removing any sense of logic; you have nothing to ground you, nothing to keep you from being afraid, and you can't wake up when you want to. Even when you really, REALLY want to. Possibly BECAUSE you're so afraid. Again; they remove any sense of logic (and control), and they insert fear, which distracts you immensely from how ridiculous some of them can be as well as the fact it isn't REAL. No matter how grounded you are, a bad nightmare because of some messed up chili WILL **** you up. You might get over it within the hour, but it will still bother you. **** off and die if you think she should have just gotten over it. Some really awful nightmares can leave people messed up for a month or more. She looked for comfort and got scorned. You can't control a nightmare any more than you can control an attack on your person. Scorning her for an attack on her person is ridiculous; so is scorning her for a nightmare. Anyway... OP, sorry for that. Even if he was being sarcastic, that was pretty rude.

Hoax_fml 0

A month or more? Anyone who has such issues dealing with nightmares needs to seek professional help immediately. Seriously, go do it, don't waste time surfing the net. You're an absolute basketcase.

ozymandias_fml 0

She was awake -- not asleep. There was no reason for tears, or lasting effects from a nightmare, even if there was a reason to have one. Even 5 minutes of lingering fear is unreasonable. A week is cause for concern. A month is cause for committal. If you have irrational fears as an adult, you need help. There is something wrong with your brain -- hence the irrational bit. What sort of adult is afraid of a dream, anyway?

@ 35 You have a ******* mental disorder if a nightmare ***** you up for a month. The only reason you should still feel bad after about 5 seconds of being awake is if it brought back a memory of something terrible that you saw, or something similar to that. Seriously, go to a psychiatrist or something. You're insane.

caticaticati 3

How about someone like myself who is legally an adult but was in a traumatic car accident - I still have nightmares about that and they can get me thinking about the fact that my very beloved grandmother died in the accident and that can cause me to be upset for the rest of the week. SUCK IT.

Untrue you asshole. I had a nightmare where my kid died and woke up crying. It felt real and was terrible, and I wanted to be comforted. So really, shut up.

Fear is a survival tool. Since you lack it, go do us a favor and just not go on your computer ever again. I was gonna make it worse but decided not to.

ozymandias_fml 0

#49 -- you would be someone that needs help. Already been discussed.

LysssNysss 1

#17 you're such an idiot. ANYONE can have nightmares. A few days ago my dad was having nightmares and telling me about them. So shut the **** up.

Mausler 0

@ 43 and 57, your arguments are void and possibly made up since you end your statement with a phrase intended to "rub it in" to the person you're arguing against. This type of wording directly implies you are not writing to be open-minded, but rather to draw attention to yourself and put someone else down. Please stop trying to put yourself on a pedestal, you're opinions matter no more than anyone else. Everyone has had those type of nightmares. Essentially that is what everyone else is saying when they say get over it. It's because they too have felt like that after a nightmare but were able to retain their sense of reality and knowledge that it was indeed just a dream and were able to get on with their day. the reason they are angry at the OP is because they did not expect special treatment for their nightmare and don't feel she should get any special treatment for hers either. Not the wording please; i said they "did not expect" special treatment, which is irrelevant to whether or not they actually received it. They did not feel they deserved special treatment for their problems and the OP has no greater right to that then them. A rational person should be able to confront a nightmare on their own. If the OP was truly upset about the nightmare and truly needed comforting about the nightmare she should seek more professional help. It is apparently obvious just by the fact that this story is on a public forum that she does not need that help because she is not upset about her dream. She was testing how secure her boyfriend makes her feel and he did not act accordingly, or she just wanted attention and he did not give it to her. His response says that he did not know there was a hidden meaning behind her words so he acted as if she was actually upset about the dream. If she always makes breakfast why should he suffer because she had a bad dream? It would be like a breadwinner refusing to go to work because of a bad dream causing both the family and the company to suffer just as the OP attempted to make the boyfriend and the relationship suffer. **** your life for not knowing what it is that truly bothers you.

skullbuster 0

@Mausler: You obviously put a lot of thought in to your reply, Paramount should be calling you any moment for the movie rights to that novel!! However, let's cut to the quick here - 99.99999% of the OPs are looking for SYMPATHY! They honestly believe that a sane person should sympathize with their plight and that they have been wronged. Many of these stories reek of needy, clingy whiners and the comments section is where they are eviscerated for their foolishness. Unfortunately, as you have discovered, there is a contingent of sympathizers who feel the need to offer pithy advice while empathizing with the OPs narrow view of reality - no matter how self-centered or ridiculous. You are not going to change minds here, everyone fits neatly into their little box on this site!

.. You're getting a little serious here about a site that's supposed to be funny. Who the **** cares if she deserves sympathy or not, because it's just a ******* SITE that is supposed to be like this. Now, I know that the comments are probably the best part of this site because most of them are so ******* retarded. Like yours, for example. You got all worked up and decided to write a very long post about it. Tut.

skullbuster 0

@drkwlf: Sarcasm - learn it, love it, live it. I guarantee you that not a single thing I post on this site is serious! Now 'put on your big girl panties' and move on!

AmoraLynn 6

So the men and women who have seen any type of combat during wartime, and have nightmares about it when they return home, are they insane as well? And I'm not just talking about Amerian soldiers.

It's lovely how so many people in this thread are like "you only feel bad about this sort of thing if you have a mental disorder", and thereby implying that if OP does have a mental disorder of some kind, she deserved being treated like that? Like, it says literally nothing about her mental state up there, just that her boyfriend treated her being upset and crying with acting like it wasn't a big deal. And I honestly don't think that detail is needed in any case, because it's a dick move no matter what. If you want to tell someone you think are overreacting to a nightmare, just saying, "Hey, it's only a dream, it can't hurt you" is a lot better than being disrespectful like that. Wow, you guys.

wroughtinfire 0

YDI for dating an obvious douchebag, unless he was kidding. In the which case, put on your big girl panties and get over it.

The next time he gets hit in the balls, tell him to put on his big boy boxers and get on with the foot massage. Your boyfriend is an insensitive dick. A bit of compassion never hurt anyone, regardless of what they're dealing with. I sincerely hope you didn't actually oblige the ****** and make the breakfast. Unless you gave in to the urge to dump a tray of food all over him. Then it would be all right.

hoodyNOT2shoes 0

I am so remembering this comment for when I'm older!!:)

Some nightmares can be truly terrifying. Like this (I doubt this is the case here, but I'm providing an example): Say you take acid, once, as a teenager, and have a bad trip. Which sometimes people try to kill themselves to get out of because they're so horrifically real. One bad trip can haunt you with nightmares from which you wake up screaming for the rest of your life. Moral of the story: don't do acid, and don't write nightmares off as something that only little kids have. And everything your boyfriend said was inconsiderate of your feelings. Especially the breakfast thing. I'd do some relationship evaluation here.