By Anonymous - 01/01/2014 17:47 - United States - New Milford

Today, I woke up hungover and with $13 stuffed in my bra. I'm not a stripper, and I'm not sure how it got there, but that's the most money I've had on me in weeks. FML
I agree, your life sucks 42 087
You deserved it 9 507

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Well at least you started the new year with more money than last year.

Am I the only one thinking she partied a little too hard?


perdix 29

If your bra was still on, you are not a proper stripper, you're just a tease!

maybe while u were drunk u decided to become a stripper.

olpally 32

I want to party with you! Lol.

flyingflies 36

You're broke but somehow still have money for booze? You should check your priorities...

Make sure you get checked at the clinic. Although I guess is a friend put money there to support a taxi fare home.

How did you afford enough booze to get that drunk?

I have the feeling there is going to be a drunk girl video on YouTube about to go viral. Followed by another FML.

I sounds like you are not partying with friends who will protect you from your drunk self. You might want to collect enough for Plan B after your next blackout.