By Anonymous - 01/01/2014 17:47 - United States - New Milford

Today, I woke up hungover and with $13 stuffed in my bra. I'm not a stripper, and I'm not sure how it got there, but that's the most money I've had on me in weeks. FML
I agree, your life sucks 42 087
You deserved it 9 507

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Well at least you started the new year with more money than last year.

Am I the only one thinking she partied a little too hard?


thatKellykid 12

You'll probably find out what happened and why it's there in a couple days on Instagram.

Well it's official! You're a professional drunk.

First time I've seen the YDI button actually be considered a good thing.

To all of you asking how she can afford the booze while being broke, when do girls ever have to pay when they go drinking? Guys I know would get offended if we even offer to pay.

That's ridiculous. To assume that all women, by default, get free drinks no matter what... it's just not true. Besides, a woman should be ready to pay for her own, regardless of what ends up happening. Hate it when women go out with some sense of entitlement to this sort of shit.

You honestly probably don't want to remember. Just take the money no repeats lol

Ins0mau 20

It's never happened to me when I drink. :-(

This is a tricky one - if you say YDI, you're saying OP deserves the money she received by being so drunk she can't remember getting it. But if you say FYL, well, obviously her life isn't f*cked if she woke up with more money than she's had in a long time, even if she doesn't remember how she got it. Still, OP, this is why you shouldn't drink more than you can handle. God knows what else happened while you were passed out...

no way samething happened here!!! but imma guy... and I don't usually wear bras...