By Anonymous - 01/01/2014 17:47 - United States - New Milford

Today, I woke up hungover and with $13 stuffed in my bra. I'm not a stripper, and I'm not sure how it got there, but that's the most money I've had on me in weeks. FML
I agree, your life sucks 42 090
You deserved it 9 515

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Well at least you started the new year with more money than last year.

Am I the only one thinking she partied a little too hard?


That doesn't sound like an FML to me. Free cash, eh?

You're not very smart if you don't have a lot of money and are drinking.

I agree! She deserved it. Especially if she spent so much on alcohol that it came to the point of a hangover.

afkwarrior 25

I feel like I'm the only one who thinks she deserves to be in financial trouble if she can afford to go out and drink enough to get a hangover.

You'd have more if you didn't drink it away, op

abbas07 20