By esoog - 19/05/2011 17:38 - United States

Today, I woke up in a panic to what sounded like a plane about to crash into my house. I was so scared, I peed myself and passed out. It was just my cell phone vibrating under my pillow. FML
I agree, your life sucks 15 525
You deserved it 48 408

Same thing different taste

By Anonymous - 03/01/2010 16:35 - United States

Today, I was lying in bed, staring at the ceiling with the lights off. It was 1AM and I'd just finished watching a scary movie so I was a little paranoid. I was about to fall asleep when an eerie light lit the room. I jumped, got tangled in the sheets, and hit my head against the bed frame. Where'd the light come from? Not a space ship. Not someone breaking in. It was my phone. FML
I agree, your life sucks 10 563
You deserved it 29 186

Top comments

We_Li_Ve_Fr_Ee 0

That is one pissed off vibrate.


QwertyMcNugget 0

You were probably dreaming of something as you heard it, and that's what made it seem so loud.

kbearx3 0

maybe if you had PTSD, i can understand? or some kind of psychological trauma? but other than that ydi yo'.

Does this REALLY happen to people?!

RoxxyHustle 7

wow, you must be super useful in an emergency situation.

toyotita4 3

As long as you didn't sh!t yourself your good, plus you were by yourself so your kindy of lucky!