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By Jade - 16/02/2011 05:55

Today, I woke up in the middle of the night because I was thirsty. In my groggy state, I grabbed the first bottle of liquid I could find, opened it, and took a sip. It was nail polish remover. FML
I agree, your life sucks 18 343
You deserved it 42 620

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That's repulsive. I would be able to tell by the shape no matter how awake I was. Or at least by the smell.


robc32ca 4
helloletsgo 0

yeah cos it wouldn't smell or anything

qcumberlovar 2

#18-it was the middle of the night OP was probably still half asleep.

well at least it wasn't something like turps...

agsilver 14


That's repulsive. I would be able to tell by the shape no matter how awake I was. Or at least by the smell.

I agree, #3. I've never seen a bottle that resembled a beverage bottle. You would think the smell would be enough to wake anyone up. Most of all, I am wondering why you have beverages and beauty supplies in the same area or how you got so mixed up you thought you were in the kitchen.

e. You would think the smell would be enough to wake anyone up. Most of all, I am wondering why you have beverages and beauty supplies in the same area or how you got so mixed up you thought you were in the kitchen.

Acetone is poisonous. Better see a doctor.

yourlifesfucked 0

Fun fact- burning fat releases ketones, the same type of chemical as acetone. A buildup of ketones can put you in a coma and kill you.

yourlifesfucked 0

It's ACTUALLY ketoacidosis. Figured I'd let it slide, but since we're all playing the "technically you're wrong" game...

surely you'd have smelt the strong smell before it reached your lips??

Where where you looking for water? If in your kitchen, then you shouldn't have nail polish remover there.

monnanon 13

Maybe they had taken a bottle of juice or water through to their room with them and grabbed a random bottle off the nightstand.

I like how you're the one so unhappy, miserable, and unsatisfied with their life that they have to resort to being a cuntrag to people on the internet that they don't know. Go drink bleach :)

Bleach is like Candy to these so called '*****'.

ShadyFTW1 0

12 needs to keep her mouth shut unless she's on her knees.

COME AT ME BRO COME AT ME. "just some stupid nerds hiding behind a computer what idiots." Pot, meet kettle.

wow aleeshexx you seem like the biggest ******* bitch

10_4Franky 0

I was just reading this argument. I got a call, came back, and now they all vanished. I was hoping this would be my drama dose of the day. Haha.

bullshit the bottles are shaped nothing like a water bottle

wow. as odd as it sounds that happened to me before. except I woke up due to being low ( I'm a diabetic) and I thought the nalipolish remover was juice.