By Anonymous - 10/08/2010 16:34 - United States

Today, I woke up to find a tick stuck to my eyelashes. The only way I know of to get it off is with fire. FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 455
You deserved it 6 916

Same thing different taste

Top comments

MusicXisXii 0

Fire is how you kill them. You can get them off with tweezers. Just make sure you don't leave ANY part of the tick inside of your skin or on your eyelash or whatever.


or u put rubbing alcohol on it, let it set for a minute and use tweezers???

joecooljones 0

its not so bad and u don't have to get rid or it by fire u dumbass

stubbsie 0

emm just use some alchol rub it kills it and dosent burn u duh!

fire works. or oil, or alcohol, or Vaseline, or tweezers...

TheyCallMeThumpe_fml 0

oh kayyy... so worst comes to worst you burn a small protion of your eyelashes, then you walk over to the nearest convienience store and buy some fake ones. no biggie.

have you ever heard of tweezers or fingers? you're an idiot. I hope it was painful.