By Anonymous - 10/08/2010 16:34 - United States

Today, I woke up to find a tick stuck to my eyelashes. The only way I know of to get it off is with fire. FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 455
You deserved it 6 916

Same thing different taste

Top comments

MusicXisXii 0

Fire is how you kill them. You can get them off with tweezers. Just make sure you don't leave ANY part of the tick inside of your skin or on your eyelash or whatever.


birds_fml 7

I know I'm probably too late, but you do NOT want to remove a tick with alcohol, fire, or anything else than tweezers. All other methods to "make" the tick let go will make it regurgitate into the wound, increasing your chances of catching any number of nasty diseases that ticks carry. You need to grab the head with pointy tweezers, and gently but firmly pull until it comes off. If it's on your eyelid, you might be better off going to the doctor to get this done.

you wanna apply heat to it, i get them all the time, well not all the time but you get what i mean so rub your ring finger on your right paml until you feel it hrat up then put it to the tick and repeat that 7 times, wait an hour and do it again, it works.

omega802 0

hehehe a tick was in my leg so I shot it with my airsoft gun u me are stupid

christa953 12

hey 32: you are nice and moist

Parabolar 1

Ever heard of Google? Yeah, it's pretty cool! It'll even tell you how to remove a tick. Don't use fire, it burns (especially eyeballs).

xbabykgurlyx 0

FYI for anyone reading this.... Vasaline, or ANYTHING with an Oily base, (like veggie oil..) it will come right off.... EVEN IF IT HAS ALREADY GOTTEN ITS HEAD IN , THE OIL WILL MAKE IT BACK OUT ON ITS OWN... JUST INCASE ANYONE WAS WONDERING... :)

easiest way to get a tick out: make it dizzy. using your index finger, rub it really fast in a circle, clockwise, and after a few seconds it will come out and walk away on its own... something about the rubbing disorients it. its the damndest thing but it WORKS and no fire, alchohol or vaseline on your eye... ugh, the idea of all that was grossing me out!

I'm pretty sure alcohol works on them too. Because well - they're light weights. how'd it get on your eye lash?

unknown2me 0

don't use fire! pull it out with tweezers as quickly and close to the head as possible. if you use fire or alcohol or another thing like that, it irritates the tick, causing it to inject any bacteria it has into you such as Lyme disease or bartonella.