By MilleeMacabre - 02/04/2013 18:42 - United States

Today, I woke up to my husband taking a piss on our bedroom floor. I screamed that he wasn't in the bathroom, to which he responded, "Shut up! I'm taking a piss, let me finish!" He has no recollection of the event. Now I have to clean up his piss and rewash my clothes. FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 383
You deserved it 4 144

MilleeMacabre tells us more.

Yes. He was drunk. That's my husband for ya.


I'm sorry but uh, why do YOU have to clean up his urine?

...and that's when you stop drinking

My boyfriend got drunk one night and peed on the dog cage.... And the dog.

tennovyr 1

I just posted the same thing lol, my boyfriend just woke up and pissed in the corner of our room in the laundry bin, pee soaked work shirts and clothes, i feel ur pain girl

Why do you have to clean it up? This will only encourage him!

I won't clean up his piss. Chica make him do it. He a grown ass man, he'll be able to do it.

He had been out drinking the night before. And our clothes were folded in a basket.. Why didn't I make him clean it up? Because if I had, it would have never gotten done.. Men..

I'd have made him clean it up & tell him if he's going to go to bed drunk...he can sleep in the bathroom in the bath tub & lock him in there for the night. That's BS that you feel you have to clean up after a grown man as if he were a child...maybe he should cut back or quit drinking all together.