By Anonymous - 07/01/2014 21:24 - United States

Today, I woke up to my psycho roommate trying to baptize me in my sleep. FML
I agree, your life sucks 54 361
You deserved it 5 211

Same thing different taste

Top comments

mmyoung979 14

At least she wasn't sacrificing you to Satan.


How do you know if he was baptizing you.. maybe he was making a ritual or something... sacrificing you in your sleep :p

This is probably one of the best FML's I've ever read.

Better than doing a satanic ritual on you in your sleep I guess

That means she was trying to drown you...I'm sorry.

thank god what was the only thing he was trying to do to you in your sleep

Let me guess, your room mate is member of the Church of Christ?