By Anonymous - 07/01/2014 21:24 - United States

Today, I woke up to my psycho roommate trying to baptize me in my sleep. FML
I agree, your life sucks 54 361
You deserved it 5 211

Same thing different taste

Top comments

mmyoung979 14

At least she wasn't sacrificing you to Satan.


Ihavegas 22

it burrrrrnnnnssss aaaaarrrrgghhh

FallenAngelsRiz 10

you should get some pea soup and dump it on the roommate when they sleep. MUAH ha ha

I had a suite mate that was an over the top Baptist. My friend's mom sent me some Wicca books, my suite mate saw them and was convinced I was a witch. I just started lighting candles, spouting some random Latin phrases, and would just stare at her. She was convinced I was making her ill and making her hair fall out. She soon switched to a completely different dorm. The point to my somewhat lengthy story, start doing stuff like this and maybe your roommate will also move.

You sound more like OP's roommate than OP to me. I imagine that living with a devoutly religious person might be annoying to someone who isn't, but did your roommate actually do anything to you personally to justify you deliberately scaring the crap out of them and throwing another religion in their face?

Yeah she did. I am agnostic, so I don't push my "beliefs" on anyone. My friend's mom sent me the books because she knew I thought they would be interesting. My suite mate would invite others over to, essentially, judge me and "pray for my soul". She would constantly berate me and tell me I was doomed to hell. She, among other "Christians", is the reason I could never follow organized religion. The most judgmental people I have met have always claimed to be Christian.

Stay away from people that try to indoctrinate you into their religion. So yeah, find a new roommate.

JMichael 25

The power of Christ compels you to go back to sleep and ignore it.

Lol while your room mate is asleep put on black robes, make a salt pentagram with candles in his or her room, and wake em up with death metal. say you were trying to convert them to the church of Satan

You stole my ******* post from the mod section. **** you.