By sore - 04/01/2010 11:30 - France

Today, I woke up with bruised nipples because apparently my boyfriend likes to excessively play with them while I sleep. FML
I agree, your life sucks 24 794
You deserved it 3 883

Same thing different taste

Top comments

NeonWar__ 0

wow. ouch. You must be a heavy sleeper if you can sleep through someone playing with your nipples so hard it actually bruises them! lol


kkmonster93 0

I have the same problem my boobs are dark purple I look like I'm wearing a strapless purple bra :(

cambroulay 0

Okaaay so you're an extremely deep sleeper if someone excessively playing with your nipples doesnt wake you up,

AstroWatermelon 0
NeonBubblez 6

Ummm. Either tell him to stop, get a life, and get some sleep or break up with him. And well..if your stubborn, go ahead, wake up with sore nipples almost every damn morning...

Even if you were asleep, if he plays with them that hardcore how could you not feel it?

I can relate.... mine usually feel as if they have been mauled by a tiger when I wake up D:

cburke9 7

thats actually a compliment, you should be happy that he cant take his hands off you