By Anonymous - 09/08/2009 13:27 - Canada

Today, I worked at my job at an amusement park at one of the roller coasters. I have to go around and make sure that every seat belt is around the passenger. I saw my boyfriend in a seat and ran over to say hi. I saw a girl next to him. I had to strap down my cheating boyfriend and the new girl. FML
I agree, your life sucks 66 972
You deserved it 3 900

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You should have pretended to strap them in, but didn't. Surprise!

wow, how do these people get girlfriends and im still single, i would never cheat on any one.


Managodess 14

Plain stupid on his side. Being your boyfriend, shouldn't he know where you work? And FYL, sorry to hear that.

How do you know he was cheating? Just because there was a girl sitting next to him doesn't mean he's cheating...

neverlandfairy 0

Your boyfriend's an idiot for not knowing where you work. haha, you should have totally put the seatbelt on incorrectly

I take it this was Canada's Wonderland? I was just should have not secured him on the Behemoth haha.

Dude, you know that if there is a single they pair it up with a random person, right? He probably wasn't cheating on you, he just happened to get paired up with a chick.

pinkpanther69 2

Wonderland? What ride to work on? I would have left it undone and laughed when he flew out of his seat..or the dumb bitch beside him

youaresofucked 0

do you actually know if she's CHEATING? OP sounds like a douche

pinkpanther69 2

Wonderland, or Ontario Place? Still too early for the CNE eh. That sucks..and wouldbe pretty ballsy of him to come where he knows you'll be working

If (and only if!) you KNOW the guy is cheating (which I wouldn't presume), not buckling him isn't the answer! Buckling him TIGHT is the answer! I swear most of those harnesses were NOT designed for postpubescent males.

Canadas wonderland? behemoth? bah that sucks.