By Miguel - 20/08/2011 19:40 - United States

Today, in algebra, I took out my notebook. My Chinese teacher was so impressed with my "Chinese" writings on the cover that I'm now her "favorite student". Those "Chinese" symbols are actually Japanese, but I wanted someone to like me so badly that I didn't correct her. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 310
You deserved it 5 638

Same thing different taste

Top comments


koudielolz 0

Chinese symbols and Japanese (kanji) symbols are the same, mean the same, but are only pronounced differently.

Why was your Chinese teacher in your agenda class?

Japanese characters are Chinese characters. Be glad you didn't try to "correct" her.

Only people with no friends would know that or even have that on a notebook. Nuff said

Xxgreenbug29xX 5

Was she an Asian in disguise?

You're... not very intelligent, are you? Japanese Kanji and Chinese characters are exactly the same; the only difference is pronunciation. Actually, "Kan" in Japanese means "China/Chinese" and "ji" means "letter/character"; literally meaning "Chinese Character". Kanji is often times used MANY times within a single sentence; many statements being comprised almost completely of kanji, with very little hiragana and katakana. Therefore, you should be happy you didn't correct her. You'd have looked like an idiot (like you do now).

Shouldn't a chinese teacher know if that was chinese or not???

Actually it mightve been kanji....that's Chinese... She was probably right in the first place...