By Miguel - 20/08/2011 19:40 - United States

Today, in algebra, I took out my notebook. My Chinese teacher was so impressed with my "Chinese" writings on the cover that I'm now her "favorite student". Those "Chinese" symbols are actually Japanese, but I wanted someone to like me so badly that I didn't correct her. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 310
You deserved it 5 638

Same thing different taste

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Thank you so much KaySL for clearing up the languages, I was about to do so, but you saved me time ^^ thank you

iJasper 8

Had you been honest and corrected her, I would have liked you more.

Japanese Kanji and Chinese characters are the same, stupid. Kanji literally mean: Chinese characters.

Yea yea, Chinese, Japanese, dirty knees, took at these!

If you dumbasses bothered to read the post you would've known the teacher wasn't teaching Chinese. She's an Algebra teacher who is of Chinese race. He/she is probably Chinese who was raised somewhere else. It's a common mistake to confuse Chinese with Japanese symbols.

Mokiikom_fml 8

Many of the characters ARE the same. It's not a matter of mistaking one for the other, it's merely the same character being used in both languages. There are ones that were simplified, but many are still the same. I'm Japanese, and I read Chinese signs and some of the news headlines etc because you can understand, due to the many shared characters...

Um, what's the big deal? Japanese kanji IS Chinese.

I've been trying to learn Japanese. They hooked me with Hatsune Miku.

You know that Chinese and Japanese shares some of the same characters? For example, the words 'love', 'moon', 'fire', and 'water' all share the same characters. It's likely your teacher assumed that, as you're in Chinese class, it was Chinese, especially if they were just random characters as opposed to a sentence.