By Anonymous - 13/03/2011 22:26 - United States

Today, in an attempt to impress a girl I like, I tried to crush a soda can by hitting it with my forehead. Not only did I fail, I knocked myself out in the process. When I regained consciousness, the girl was gone and someone had taken the liberty of drawing a penis on my face. FML
I agree, your life sucks 14 761
You deserved it 73 899

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Yeah because all any girl wants is a guy who can crush things with his head. Idiot.

samadams42 0

They should've drawn pussy on your forhead.


I'm not even sure how doing something so stupid as crushing a can on your head became known as "manly". It's one of the most retarded things someone can do, its on the level of letting someone hit you as hard as possible because "you're a man and can take pain". Worst logic EVER. Maybe if you showed her you were a smart, kind person you'd have a shot...but showing her you are a complete moron like that will only get you another date with your left hand.

Muffin_Tops_fml 2

this reminds me of that pepsi commercial with those guys who had crushed the pepsi can with their heads.

Hey that's how I always impress people... its an art

FlonkertonChamp 6

yyyyyeah... that's not a way to impress anyone. men are idiots.

clashatdemonhead 3

not all men are as stupid as the OP

sublime420 11

I actually did that at a frat party once. Now everytime i go back people ask me to do it again. It got to the point that my friend filmed it and told me to just show them the video nect time, because i was always waking up with a bloody forehead...

In what way is the ability to crush a soda can against your forehead impressive? If I saw a guy do this I would just think he was a complete moron, or perhaps drunk. Next time you want to impress a girl just try talking to her and getting to know her. Intelligent conversation trumps neanderthal style behavior every time.

KraziiDesire 0